Monday, July 4, 2011

Sisian, Armenia

From Tbilisi to Yerevan we went through an incredible rain storm leaving the windows completely fogged.  The road was one (and a half)  lane switch back up a mountainside.  The driver would take all corners wide.  Walls of water sprayed up and we sat frozen, wet (hoping our back windows open would create a little window of sight for the drive). 15 minutes later we were out of the storm and the desert hills emerged green and lush.

from stormy hills to dry hot tea break on the way to Yerevan
    famous Armenian composer celebrated at the park in Yerevan
view of Mt. Ararat from the new school in Yerevan

lake on the way to Sisian

bus driver to Sisian

treats at the bus stop
bus stop Yerevan to Sisian

Us on the marshrutka

from lush to semi desert and back to lush again

mushrooms by the side of the road

more mushrooms
sharing the road with sheep

roadside vegetables and fruit

along the way

Christian and Danj relaxing at the Zorats Qarer Guest house

Guest house porch
a quick hike into the hills from the guest house
filling up the pool in guest house brrrrr
Zane and Levan watching out for snakes
in the meadow on top of hill of wild flowers
Susanne and Pia

local orchid
wild flowers
church wall carving
candles for great grandparents

6th century Sisivan Church
one of many 6 fingered carvings this was on a church in Sisian but they are also on petroglyph in the hills
What's in there?

filling the glasses for the first of many toasts; to this day; to your family and mine; to your friends and mine; to family that has passed; to family living
after a day of exploring...ah
canyon painting in museum
oil of Sisian in museum
Yogurt maker
Zane outside museum with in Karadan park with 1, 000 yr old rams that have been collected from the countryside
jeep ride to the Stonehenge of Sisian

Two hundred and forty upright stones make a large semi circle.  Many stones have holes aligned with the stars.  Some originally would have obsidian (found all around here) placed at an angle to reflect the stars, moon and sun.  Holes mark the equinox and the solstice, maybe people worshiped Sirius. 

Christian and Danj

way down to Voroton river 9-11 century fortress/church in the distance

sharing the road again

bridge from 1850

Shamb hot springs

back to Queen Shahandukht's fortress/church

Christian wonders out loud if this gorge is this orgion of gorgeous!

Many differnent types of crosses.  Maybe pilgrims carved their own version as they came from afar. 

just a little fire for the khoravats

crunchy moist perfect potatoes
host father in the kitchen
a game of nar
This little dead bee was found by Zane crossing the boarder to Armenia.  He travelled with us the whole trip in my sunglass case.  Along the journey a cicada's sheded skin and a butterfly joined the bee. 

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